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25% of top Social Media Influencers Speaking at #BWELA


Join us at Blogworld L.A. from Nov 3-5 at the L.A. Convention Center!

Dominique will be giving a presentation on how to get more impact from your content by leveraging influencers and tribes. Click here for more info on his session.

Make sure to stop by our booth #533 in the Exhibit Hall and check your influence, we’ll be more than happy to see you!

Here is a list of the top SMM Blogs as of Oct 25th.  In the spirit of Blogworld, we’ve also marked who will be speaking at the event. Click the Blogworld icon and you will be directed to their presentation page.

Rank Name URL Trend Move Twitt BWELA speaker
1 Chris Brogan http://www.chrisbrogan.com UP 1
2 Seth’s Blog http://sethgodin.typepad.com UP 1
3 Jeremiah Owyang http://www.web-strategist.com/blog DOWN -2
4 Brian Solis http://www.briansolis.com - -
5 Logic+Emotion http://darmano.typepad.com - -
6 Social Media Explorer http://www.socialmediaexplorer.com - -
7 Search Engine Land http://www.searchengineland.com - -
8 SocialMediaExaminer http://www.socialmediaexaminer.com UP 3
9 Conversation Agent http://www.conversationagent.com - -
10 MarketingProfs http://www.marketingprofs.com - -
11 Social Media Strategy http://www.convinceandconvert.com DOWN -3
12 Online Marketing http://www.toprankblog.com UP 1
13 Six Degrees of Separation http://www.twistimage.com/blog UP 5
14 MarketingProfs Daily Fix http://www.mpdailyfix.com UP 3
15 CopyBlogger http://www.copyblogger.com DOWN -3
16 Internet Marketing http://blog.hubspot.com DOWN -2
17 Scobleizer http://www.scobleizer.com DOWN -1
18 PR-Squared http://www.pr-squared.com UP 1
19 Jaffe Juice http://www.jaffejuice.com UP 1
20 Web Ink Now http://www.webinknow.com UP 1
21 Shel Holtz http://blog.holtz.com DOWN -6
22 Brand Builder http://thebrandbuilder.wordpress.com UP 12
23 BuzzMachine http://www.buzzmachine.com UP 2
24 Neville Hobson http://www.nevillehobson.com UP 2
25 Ducttape Marketing http://www.ducttapemarketing.com UP 3
26 Steve Rubel http://www.steverubel.me DOWN -3
27 The Viral Garden http://moblogsmoproblems.blogspot.com DOWN -3
28 Spin Sucks http://www.spinsucks.com UP 9
29 SocialMediaMarketing http://www.scottmonty.com UP 1
30 Peter Kim http://www.beingpeterkim.com UP 5
31 SEO Blog http://www.seomoz.org/blog UP 21
32 Internet Marketing News http://www.marketingpilgrim.com UP 4
33 ProBlogger http://www.problogger.net DOWN -1
34 PR Measurement http://kdpaine.blogs.com UP 12
35 Amber & Tamsen http://www.brasstackthinking.com DOWN -13
36 How to Change the World http://blog.guykawasaki.com UP 5
37 Search Engine Marketing http://www.searchenginewatch.com UP 32
38 Danny Brown http://www.dannybrown.me DOWN -5
39 Influential Marketing http://rohitbhargava.typepad.com DOWN -1
40 Drew McLellan http://www.drewsmarketingminute.com DOWN -9
41 Geoff Livingston http://www.geofflivingston.com DOWN -1
42 Liz Strauss http://www.successful-blog.com UP 2
43 Steve Rubel Stream http://www.steverubel.com DOWN -16
44 Strategic Public Relations http://prblog.typepad.com UP 5
45 Christopher S. Penn http://www.christopherspenn.com UP 10
46 B.L. Ochman http://www.whatsnextblog.com UP 1
47 Stowe Boyd http://www.stoweboyd.com UP 7
48 Social Media Club http://www.socialmediaclub.org DOWN -6
49 Greg Verdino http://gregverdino.typepad.com DOWN -6
50 Adverblog http://www.adverblog.com UP 28
51 Mack Collier http://www.mackcollier.com DOWN -12
52 Peter Shankman http://www.shankman.com UP 11
53 Harte of Marketing http://www.theharteofmarketing.com DOWN -24
54 Servant of Chaos http://www.servantofchaos.com UP 5
55 The Buzz Bin http://www.livingstonbuzz.com DOWN -10
56 Communication Overtones http://overtonecomm.blogspot.com UP 12
57 Edelman Digital http://www.edelmandigital.com UP 1
58 SmartBlog http://www.smartblogs.com/socialmedia DOWN -7
59 CK’s Blog http://www.ck-blog.com DOWN -3
60 Toby Bloomberg http://bloombergmarketing.blogs.com UP 1
61 Edelman http://www.edelman.com/speak_up/blog DOWN -4
62 Search Engine Journal http://www.searchenginejournal.com - -
63 John Jantsch http://www.ducttapemarketing.com/blog UP 22
64 Arik C. Hanson http://www.arikhanson.com DOWN -11
65 Bad Pitch http://badpitch.blogspot.com UP 2
66 Hitwise Intelligence http://weblogs.hitwise.com UP 28
67 Dachisgroup http://www.dachisgroup.com - New
68 Social Media Informer http://www.socialmediainformer.com UP 6
69 Outspoken Media http://www.outspokenmedia.com UP 1
70 iMedia Connection http://www.imediaconnection.com DOWN -20
71 John Bell http://johnbell.typepad.com DOWN -7
72 Brand Autopsy http://brandautopsy.typepad.com/brandautopsy DOWN -7
73 Dave Fleet http://www.davefleet.com DOWN -25
74 POP! PR Jots http://pop-pr.blogspot.com UP 3
75 Ann Handley http://www.annhandley.com UP 9
76 Josh Bernoff http://forrester.typepad.com/groundswell UP 3
77 Altitude Branding http://www.altitudebranding.com UP 3
78 Ben McConnell http://customerevangelists.typepad.com DOWN -6
79 Sphinn / Hot Topics http://www.sphinn.com DOWN -6
80 Internet Writings http://www.shirky.com UP 18
81 SocialTimes.com http://www.socialtimes.com DOWN -21
82 Church of the Customer http://www.churchofthecustomer.com UP 1
83 Phil Fernandez http://blog.marketo.com UP 5
84 Media Bistro http://www.mediabistro.com/prnewser DOWN -9
85 PR Guy’s Musings http://www.stuartbruce.biz UP 6
86 Techno//Marketer http://technomarketer.typepad.com UP 6
87 Shonali Burke http://www.waxingunlyrical.com UP 17
88 GlobalNeighbourhoods http://redcouch.typepad.com DOWN -7
89 The Future Buzz http://www.thefuturebuzz.com DOWN -2
90 Dan Zarrella http://www.danzarrella.com DOWN -8
91 Ogilvy http://blog.ogilvypr.com UP 18
92 Brains On Fire Blog http://www.brainsonfire.com/blog DOWN -26
93 Andy Sernovitz http://www.damniwish.com UP 21
94 Marketing & Strategy http://blog.futurelab.net UP 8
95 Simply Zesty http://www.simplyzesty.com - New
96 Edward Boches http://www.edwardboches.com - -
97 We Are Social http://www.wearesocial.net - -
98 Customers Rock http://www.customersrock.net UP 9
99 Community Guy http://www.communityguy.com UP 9
100 Techipedia http://www.techipedia.com UP 25
101 Nick Burcher http://www.nickburcher.com DOWN -2
102 Drew B http://theblogconsultancy.typepad.com DOWN -13
103 Joe Pulizzi http://blog.junta42.com DOWN -27
104 Paul Mcenany http://heehawmarketing.typepad.com DOWN -14
105 Inside Marketers Studio http://www.marketersstudio.com UP 7
106 Pro PR http://www.propr.ca UP 7
107 Branding Strategy Insider http://www.brandingstrategyinsider.com DOWN -6
108 ConverStations http://www.converstations.com DOWN -15
109 B2B Mkting Zone http://www.b2bmarketingzone.com UP 37
110 Radian6 http://www.radian6.com/blog DOWN -4
111 Citizen Marketer 2.1 http://blog.stroutmeister.com DOWN -40
112 Socialmedia.biz http://www.socialmedia.biz UP 10
113 Michael Britopian http://www.britopian.com - New
114 Abraham Harrison http://www.marketingconversation.com UP 13
115 AdPulp http://www.adpulp.com UP 1
116 Charlene Li http://www.charleneli.com DOWN -21
117 David Reich http://reichcomm.typepad.com UP 30
118 Chaos Scenario http://www.chaosscenario.com UP 14
119 Tom Webster http://www.brandsavant.com UP 14
120 Mark Schaefer http://www.businessesgrow.com/blog UP 14
121 Global Neighbourhood http://www.globalneighbourhoods.net DOWN -18
122 Sysomos Blog http://blog.sysomos.com DOWN -17
123 Socialnomics http://www.socialnomics.net UP 15
124 Shannon Paul http://www.veryofficialblog.com DOWN -38
125 Personal Branding http://www.personalbrandingblog.com UP 16
126 New Comm Biz http://www.newcommbiz.com - New
127 PR Conversations http://www.prconversations.com DOWN -1
128 Communications Consultant http://www.prblogger.com - -
129 Chuck Hemann http://www.chuckhemann.com UP 16
130 In Over Your Head http://www.inoveryourhead.net DOWN -12
131 Marshall Sponder http://www.webmetricsguru.com UP 5
132 Webbiquity http://www.webbiquity.com - New
133 Jeffbullas’s Blog http://www.jeffbullas.com UP 6
134 Social Organization http://www.thesocialorganization.com UP 6
135 Josh Hallett http://www.hyku.com UP 15
136 Brendan Cooper http://www.brendancooper.com DOWN -19
137 Neil Perkin http://neilperkin.typepad.com DOWN -27
138 Conversation Marketing http://www.conversationmarketing.com DOWN -38
139 Bill Green http://makethelogobigger.blogspot.com UP 4
140 Adliterate http://www.adliterate.com UP 4
141 Christopher Carfi http://www.socialcustomer.com DOWN -26
142 Seroundtable http://www.seroundtable.com DOWN -12
143 PRBreakFastClub http://www.prbreakfastclub.com DOWN -24
144 Fresh Networks http://www.freshnetworks.com/blog DOWN -24
145 StickyFigure http://brandimpact.wordpress.com - New
146 HPC | Marketing Uncommon http://www.horsepigcow.com DOWN -23
147 FeverBee http://www.feverbee.com - New
148 Jacob Morgan http://www.jmorganmarketing.com DOWN -24
149 Emergence Marketing http://www.emergencemarketing.com DOWN -7
150 Customer Experience Matters http://experiencematters.wordpress.com - New

Disclaimer: Links to the BlogWorld Expo speaker profiles are only available for those who put the info in their profile.

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